Please note:
The manufacturer has ceased operations. Winteracter will no longer be available as of November 1, 2024.
The information presented below is for historical purposes only. If you need support for your Winteracter license, check
Winteracter is available for Linux, MacOSX, and Windows. Each includes versions for use with all the supported compilers on the corresponding platform, allowing creation of both 32 and 64-bit applications (depending on the compiler used).
Winteracter is a GUI toolset for the Fortran programming language. It consists of various visual development tools and a substantial subroutine library.
Several Fortran compilers are supported. Winteracter is specifically designed for use with compilers which support Fortran 95 or later.
- Create GUI based applications using Fortran 9x/200x
- GUI controls based on native Windows/Motif components
- Totally Fortran based, no mixed language programming
- No low level API access required
- Visual tools simplify GUI design
- Meaningful names make code easier to read/maintain
- Mature platform-independent graphics
- Substantial operating system interface
- Numerous graphics hardcopy/export formats supported
- Royalty-free distribution of Winteracter-based programs
- Free technical support by email
Download a free Winteracter demo which provides a concise illustration of most Winteracter features, or – evaluate Winteracter for 1 month with selected Fortran compilers on Windows, Linux, or MacOSX. We recommend looking at the demo first.
The Winteracter library contains several hundred Fortran callable routines, covering a wide range of GUI functionality:
- Text Editor
- Messages (events)
- Menus
- Dialogs
- Grids
- Common Dialogs
- Operating System
- General
- Graphics Primitives
- Graphics Text
- Graphics Hardcopy/Export
- Graphics Import
- Graphics Input
- Presentation Graphics
- Memory Bitmaps
- Memory Icons
- Memory Metafiles
Image Data
- 3D Modelling
- OpenGL
- ODBC Database Interaction
- Clipboard Access
- Information Functions
- Obsolete Routines
Software developed using Winteracter under a Commercial Licence may be distributed to any third party. ISS does not claim any run-time licence or royalty fees on such software.
Software developed using Winteracter under an Educational Licence is subject to the same conditions as that developed under a Commercial Licence with the exception that distribution of such software is limited to educational or research establishments. No charge may be made for such software other than reasonable media and handling charges. An Educational Winteracter Licence may be converted to a full Commercial Licence on payment of the currently applicable upgrade fee.